News & Upates from TEM

Only a Father’s Love

Only a Father’s Love

A couple of years ago we were going Hut to Hut meeting the people in the village. We would go and ask of their needs and then we would pray over them. As we would leave, we would usually give them a Bible in their native...

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Who Will Go For Me?

Who Will Go For Me?

Some of us are called to Go. And some of us are called to give. We have the Givers and the Goers. And some are called but do nothing.

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Even Stars Die

Even Stars Die

“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

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Who Will Go For Me?

Everyone Counts

Who do you know that needs to hear the Gospel. Is it your neighbor, the check-out lady at the grocery store, your hair dresser or someone at work?

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March 30, 2021

It has been a while since we have been able to go back to Haiti. See the post from the Love A Child website below to get an idea why. But, praise God, because of your obedience to continue to support the people of Z'Orange...

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Why can’t there be Joy Everyday?

Haiti, November 16, 2020

  Why Haiti? by Cal Griffin I have people ask me all the time, "Why do you go to Haiti?" With a smile, I always answer, "That is where the Lord called me to go...Where has He called you?" Haiti is a land full of...

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Haiti, November 14, 2020

The Road Back, by Cal Griffin With many doubts and fears, we loaded up the dusty Ford with Bro. Chuck, Simon and myself and headed to Z'Orange. For you see, in the last ten months much has happened to our world. Haiti has...

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Haiti January 21, 2020

Haiti January 21, 2020

Today was a great day in Z'Orange, Haiti. Yes, Cal and I are here, and things seem to be back to normal. We had not been to the mission house since April 2019. It was wonderful to see everyone and to see how happy they are....

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December 28, 2019

The first new and improved TEM newsletter is here, and it looks amazing. Check it out! Many thanks to all who worked to bring this project to completion. We are privileged to have such faithful supporters who are willing to...

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