Missionary Partners

Others You Can Support

(Listed alphabetically by last name or ministry name)

Bobby & Sherry Burnette

Bobby & Sherry Burnette

Bobby & Sherry Burnette
Love A Child, Inc.

Love A Child, Inc., a Christian humanitarian organization sharing the message of God’s love with children in extreme poverty. Directors Bobby and Sherry Burnette have been working in third world countries since 1972. After making over 450 trips to the country of Haiti, they made a decision that would change their lives forever. On July 1, 1991 they heard the “cry of the poor” and moved to Haiti as full-time missionaries.

Website: www.loveachild.com

Contact Info:

P.O. Box 11000
Naples, Florida 34101-1000
Phone: (239) 261-9799

Steve & Faith Leach

Steve & Faith Leach

Steve & Faith Leach
International Missionary Fellowship
Bombardopolis, Haiti

Steve & Faith Leach and their four children answered God’s call to go from Southwest Missouri to serve as missionaries and hospital administrators in Bombardopolis Haiti several years ago. Faith is a Medical Technologist and oversees the daily function of the 14-bed hospital. Steve does maintenance and renovations, and has enjoyed expanding into community work as the years have gone by. For more information about the Leaches and the work they’re involved in, including premie baby rescue, malnutrition program, elderly care, rain water cisterns, pastor’s library, Bible studies and more, go to their mission website at www.haitihospital.org

Contact Info:  stvleach@aol.com

Joe Perkins

Joe Perkins

Joe Perkins
Sustainable Food Production
Producing better foods for healthier lives

Sustainable Food Production is dedicated to helping the people in third world countries feed themselves, working through established missions to provide seed, supplies, and expertise to increase food production.

Contact Info: jwpstl@earthlink.net

Dan Sered

Dan Sered & Family

Dan Sered
Israel Director, Jews for Jesus

We exist to make the Messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide.

Website: www.jewsforjesus.orgDan Sered

Contact Info: DSered@aol.com

George & Carol Ann Truelove

George & Carol Ann Truelove
Faith Medical Clinic
Nan Sentrain, Haiti

Carol Ann runs the clinic in Nan Sentrain, Haiti, and usually has one or two premature babies on her hip as she goes about her busy day. George has a full time job keeping everything running from trucks, generators, computers, etc. They have a son, Austin, and a daughter, Natasha. They have been in Haiti over 35 years serving the Lord.

Contact Info:  geoandcat1986@gmail.com

S.J.P. Vijayakumar

S.J.P. Vijayakumar

S.J.P. Vijayakumar
Light of Hope Mission
Tamilnadu, India

Vijay is a native of the “Temple City” of Madurai in the southern part of India. He has a Masters Degree in Business and has worked in the travel industry for more than 15 years. In March 1995, Vijay left his position as marketing manager of an Indian airline to dedicate his life to full-time ministry. During 1995-96, he studied Biblical Studies at Crichton College, Memphis, TN. Vijay has a passion for telling of the love of Jesus Christ. He is concerned with reaching the unreached and helping the poorest of the poor. He coordinates the Village ministry, which reaches into 30 selected villages in India through eight trained village gospel workers. He is involved with the School mission, which touches the lives of thousands of students in various cities. One of his primary ministries is to organize and conduct large city-wide crusades, especially those involving foreign preachers. Vijay organizes seminars and training camps to teach workers how to share and minister the Word of God. He has also established a Learning Center to equip gospel workers. Please support the Light of Hope ministry and Vijay by lifting them in prayer, as well as by providing financially.

Website: www.lightofhopemission.org

Contact Info: vijigigi@yahoo.com or viji@lightofhopemission.org

S.J.P. Vijayakumar
Light of Hope Mission
1/44, Jonespuram First Street
Pasumalai, Madurai – 625 004
Tamilnadu, India

Phone/Fax: +91-452-2371987
Cell: +98421 71987