A couple of years ago we were going Hut to Hut meeting the people in the village. We would go and ask of their needs and then we would pray over them. As we would leave, we would usually give them a Bible in their native language of Haitian Creole or a small bag of corn with beans and oil.
On this particular occasion, we came across this older man outside his Hut. He told us that his wife had recently died and he was taking care of his adult son who was sick. We asked if we could pray over his son and ask the Lord for Healing. His son was named Jon Renee.
So we entered the dark Hut barely able to see. It had two rooms which was most unusual. Curtains covered the entrance to the second room. As we entered into the second room we were shocked by what we saw. The son, Jon Renee was laying on a bed of newspapers without any clothing, unable to speak or hear. His hands and feet were twisted and flaying uncontrollable. Immediately, his father sat on the bed and put his arms around him and held him in a sitting position. We knew that this father loved his disabled son who he had taken care of for the last forty years.
Oh what love this father had for his Son. We all burst into tears as I asked Jesus to heal this young man and to give his father strength. As I prayed, we all felt the Holy Spirit enter into this dark room which became a house of Worship that day. We knew that God would give Jon Renee a new body, eyes to see and ears to hear. And soon and very soon Jon Renee would be dancing in the streets of Gold!
Jesus is calling
Calling you today
No matter what condition you’re in
No matter what you have done
Naked and abandoned
Alone and left to die
Hungry and Hurting
Come to the Father
And be healed with Living Water
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-29