Haiti Update January 28, 2011

Report on children’s program by: Annette Meyer, Jackie Doss and Michele Quillo Each afternoon after school, we’ve had a children’s program under the mango tree just inside the church compound, we sang songs (in Creole), presented a Bible story,...

Haiti Update January 27, 2011

Karl and I took the team down to the work site this morning and we got there a little earlier today because the traffic wasn’t so bad; we arrived at 8:30. We helped a little but we had to go to Eko Depot and Batimet to make sure all our materials got on the...

Haiti Update January 26, 2011

Today was a busy day from the time we got up. We had to stop at Eko Depot on the way to the work site and give them some money for materials for Z’Orange, which took longer than I expected, which put us in the morning traffic. We didn’t arrive on the work...

Haiti Update January 25, 2011

Karl and I had a long day today on the roads of Port-au-Prince. We first took the team to the work site, and then we had to go to the hardware/lumber company to find out why all our material had not been delivered. It was to have been delivered Saturday, and part of...

Haiti Update January 24, 2011

Today was the first day with the team, so everything was trial and error. I walked down to the chapel where we keep Gabriel and drove it back to Dottie’s to pick up the team. Karl took part of the team and I took the other part with Gabriel to the work site....