Today was a chilly day at Caesarea but the Lord kept the rain off of us. How awesome it is to be in a place that we have read so much about, to sit possibly in the cell that Paul could have been in before he went to Rome, and to see the theater and the Hippodrome! I...
Today was an easy day of tying up the loose ends. We had to buy a few things for the truck before Will & Josh drove it out to Global Outreach. George’s son, Austin flew in from Mole St. Nichol so he picked him up. Austin will be flying back to the States for...
Today was a long but productive day. We didn’t get in till about 7 p.m. We started off with a meeting with Pastor Dorleon of Z’Oranges discussing the upcoming Pastors Conference/ Discipleship Training/Building Team/Youth Group coming up in March. After...
Today was a busy day not to get a lot done but that is the way it is in Haiti, especially in Port-au-Prince. We started by taking Josh and Will to the truck and then meeting up with them at a tire company where we bought two front tires for $700.00 American....
Today was another day of running around Port for a while picking up some more supplies for Global Compassion and then going out to Global Outreach to store the supplies. We were able to get everything that was needed, which is a miracle in itself. After this we went...