Having a Blast
As you can see (photo at right), we start our morning in our open air dining area with a thatch roof. We begin each morning with singing and devotion and then we eat our delicious breakfast of pop tarts or hot oatmeal with juice. Then on this morning, most of the youth started VBS and the others went back out with Bro. Will to visit hut-to-hut. After lunch some of the youth went with Bro. Will to hike up to the top of one of the surrounding mountains. At 1:00 pm Pastor Bill met with the deacons and men of the church again for discipleship training. It was really a great time as the men had many questions and showed such an interest in learning about the Bible.
Afternoon time consisted of the making balloon animals, or whatever you want to call those creations, for the Haitian kids. They had a blast and in some cases, I mean a blast. Several balloons burst as they were making their creations.
In the evening the revival continued and Bro. Will preached the message. There were not a lot of people because of the rain but all things considered, it was a good turnout.
Tomorrow we hike up the mountain to Jerusalem Two. The youth are really excited about that.