Report by Joyce Bishop
Today was a wonderful day, as was yesterday. We started our day as usual with a beautiful devotional presentation, and this time we had a wonderful testimony detailing how God opens doors. After getting Gabriel (our transportation) packed up with medical supplies and gifts, we all loaded up for the scenic route to Tapio, passing the most picturesque sights you would ever want to see. As we traveled along we were happily greeted by crowds gathered along the roadways.
When we arrived at our destination, the crowd was there waiting to see one of the 4 physicians on our team. Our support team – nursing staff, pharmacy staff, clothing distributors, teaching staff, interpreters, logistical technicians, ministers, and just plain old manpower – was ready to get started.
We strategically saw each patient and tried to meet their immediate needs as they passed through each of the stations we had set up. We saw a great number today, and had a lot of anxious patients waiting to be seen as the day came to a close. We packed up, loaded up, and headed out.
We were instructed in our devotional to see God’s Glory, and we succeeded. First, the road to Tapio was breathtaking–God’s Glory! Next, the faces of the patients that we were able to see in our makeshift clinic–God’s Glory! Oh Haiti, thank you for showing us God’s Glory!
Loading up to go to Tapio
Headed for Tapio
On the way to Tapio
Setting up for clinic
Getting ready for clinic
Setting up for clinic
Clinic inside Tapio
People lined up for clinic at Tapio
Joyce helping with registration
Willa taking blood pressure
Dr. Sanders with patients
Dr. Gebhart seeing patients
Dr. Raina with patients
Dr. Rick seeing patients
Pastor Bishop spreading the Good News
Andrew & Pat in pharmacy
Working in pharmacy
Ashley working in pharmacy
Working in pharmacy
Taking photos of Haitian people
Taking photos of Haitian people
Handing out clothes
Handing out clothes
Sarah in VBS
Now, what am I doing here?
Be happy!