The Road Back, by Cal Griffin
With many doubts and fears, we loaded up the dusty Ford with Bro. Chuck, Simon and myself and headed to Z’Orange. For you see, in the last ten months much has happened to our world. Haiti has all but melted by the constant state of civil unrest. Violent protests and tire-burning became the norm. Then Covid swept across the land, shutting down the borders. Ten months of silence…ten months of staying home…leaving us wondering if and when we would ever return.
That day was today. God flung wide open the gates of Haiti so we could again be the light in the darkness. So that we could share the Hope of Jesus in this broken place. Driving up the only road to the TEM mission reminded me of the many times that we have made this journey. It seemed like forever since we had come this way, but we finally made it to the mountain. A honk on the horn, and the gate to the mission was opened–dogs barking, children laughing, and all the good folks coming to greet us.
Sometimes the Lord makes us pause to reflect. Sometimes He makes us look at what we are doing. Sometimes we find the answers, and sometimes we find more questions. This time we were resolved that we were supposed to come back and be the Light of Jesus and complete the mission.
Praise God for allowing us safe passage. Praise God for allowing us to glorify His name through Jesus Christ, His Son, the Risen Savior. We are so blessed to be here!