Report by Pastor Fred Billy

Our team visited Daniel’s voodoo village today. We had an opportunity to share the Gospel with about 15 children. Several of the children accepted Christ as Savior. Pastor Chuck led a small group of adults, while John (from Greater Little Rock) and I led the children in singing. I had asked Daniel for a one-on-one session, and he agreed. I was able to clearly present the Gospel to him. He has not come to Christ yet, but I believe he will one day. To God be the Glory!


Report by  Pastor Ken

Praise the Lord! One cannot help but praise the Lord in the country of Haiti. Many prayers are being answered, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being presented and, when necessary, words are being used. The universal language in Haiti is God’s love, and that is what we have all received this week from the Haitian people. Last night we did not get out of the evening worship until 10:30 p.m. The joy of the Lord was so powerful and refreshing! All of this would not have been possible without the prayers and support of all back home. Debbie and I especially want to thank Blue Angel Baptist Church and Cinco Baptist Church for your love and support. To God be the glory for the transformation taking place in Haiti and in the hearts of those who are on our team. Everyone has worked so hard in giving of themselves for the glory of the Lord, and I am so glad to be here, especially with my wife (Debbie). Happy Easter.


Report by Betty Summer

What a BLESSED day! I’ve been coming to Haiti for several years and each time I come I am awestruck with the country – the beauty of the morning, the sun coming up over the mountains. We awoke this morning to the women singing in the church; they met for prayer for the Pastors Conference and the medical team – what a glorious feeling to know that before we get up they are praying for us. At first this morning we sat waiting on the people to come; by the finish of the day, we had seen 134 people. Praise the Lord the people are healthier now than when I first started coming here. We saw two babies that were only a few weeks old – babies always get the attention of the team. We had the pleasure of seeing Sylvest, a former voodoo priest who is well known as a Christian here on the mountain since the Lord saved him – he is a true beacon for His Lord and Savior.

There is always a little chaos when people start lining up for the wait to be seen, and when we get that settled down the day runs smoothly and the people appreciate everything we offer them. Trying to teach them to drink more water is just like in America, but it would solve so many health problems we see here. Today we had the blessing of the pastors as they finished in their conference; they came to pray with the people as they left the clinic and offer them the living water that quenches all thirst. What a blessing to be here with such a strong team of believers, and what a blessing serving our Lord here!!


 Report by Adrionna Adams

To say that we were blessed today would be an understatement. I never would’ve imagined that being so far away from home would be as calming as it is. Waking up to the beautiful melodies of the Haitian people is one of the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard. Beverly, Maiyah, and I are doing VBS while we’re here, and seeing as how this was the first day of VBS, we were a little worried about the turnout we would have, because there are only so many children where we are located. But God showed us what he can do when 25-plus children came to hear the bible lesson we had prepared for them. We started our lesson off with a song called “I Have a Savior.” The children first learned it in Creole, then in English, and before we could wrap up the lesson the song was stuck in their heads and they were singing it as if they’d sung it their whole lives. After lunch we went up the hill to an orphanage with about 15 children and taught the lesson there as well. They weren’t as quick to catch on to the song, but they really enjoyed the jewelry making. They had the biggest smiles on their faces once they saw what they had made – I nearly cried at the joy they got out of something so simple as plastic beads and wire. It makes me realize how truly blessed we all are. The daughter of the pastor of the “Church on the Hill,” Gigi, stunned us with her talent of singing, and then I had the pleasure of singing “Amazing Grace” with her – she sang it in Creole as I sang it in English. I would say that’s a gift.

Today was beautiful, and another reason to be thankful. I think we tend to forget how blessed we really are just as much as we forget to tell God thank you for even the “little” things he does for us on a daily basis. This Pastors Conference is not only a blessing to the pastors here, but also to all of the team. I’ve met some wonderful people on my second trip to Haiti, and that doesn’t mean just Haitians. I’m so happy to have been placed here in Z’Orange with this group of people. God chose us all to be here together for a reason, and I’m so happy that He did. I thank God for this experience and for all of my brothers and sisters in Christ!

Haiti March 26, 2013
Haiti March 24, 2013