Today Chuck G. and I drove the team to the airport and – praise the Lord – we arrived safely with no truck problems or traffic problems.

I would like to thank Lisa Eaves and Rocky Bayou Christian School for allowing us to facilitate their 2012 mission trip. It truly was an honor to be surrounded by young adults who love the Lord. The picture that I have chosen to the right sums up the impact these young men and women made on the people in Daniel’s voodoo village, and especially this member of the voodoo village, as they performed the drama, “Set me Free.” As the demons continually threw Josh to the ground, holding him by the chains of sin, I believe this man knew that this is what is happening in his life. The picture you don’t see is him smiling and clapping as Jesus steps in and casts the demons and death to the ground and sets Josh free.

This team brought joy and hope to many Haitians with their singing, dancing, dramas and their show of compassion. When they were not performing they were playing with the children. I would like to commend their parents and Rocky Bayou Christian School for an excellent job of raising up Godly young men and women.

I have a sweet feeling that I will be seeing some of them again one day in Haiti. Thank you for all your prayers.  Bro. Chuck

P.S. The witty and humorous photo captions were created by none other than Lisa Eaves.


Haiti Bargain Sale June 2012
Haiti June 10, 2012