The Daily Truth Devotion
Who Will Go For Me?
Some of us are called to Go. And some of us are called to give. We have the Givers and the Goers. And some are called but do nothing.
Even Stars Die
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
More than Enough
Just what we need. When we need it.
Why can’t there be Joy Everyday?
This world is about loving your God with all of your body, mind and Soul.
Everyone Counts
Who do you know that needs to hear the Gospel. Is it your neighbor, the check-out lady at the grocery store, your hair dresser or someone at work?
Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It!
I was awakened early this morning with this song in my heart.
Sing a Hallelujah
See what you have done for me. My eyes have seen the Beauty of the Lord!
Go and Sin No More
How can a three letter word be so powerful and bring such shame?
Blessings Upon Blessings
This devotion comes from Numbers 6:24-26.
You Heard My Cry
Today’s The Daily Truth Devotion is inspired by Psalm 61.
Because They Don’t Know
Ever wondered why there are over 200 Churches Closing their Doors Every Week? Because they Don’t Know.