Haiti November 04 – 05, 2011

Friday, Nov. 4, Simon and I went into Port to get block ice for our igloos and pick up a few more groceries. When we returned we grabbed a quick baloney sandwich, which Simon was very happy about. One day all I had to give him was two pieces of bread, with no water. I...

Haiti November 02 – 03, 2011

David showed up with the parts for the bunk beds. Hallelujah!!! I drove down to Tetayen to show him how to get to our–God’s–mission house. The first thing he asked was, ‘how did you ever find this place?’ I have been asked that question...

Haiti October 31 – November 01, 2011

These last two days Simon and I have really been working hard–the naps are over and it’s time to work. I got up Monday morning and had my coffee and did my daily bible study, then started painting. I finished my room and painted the kitchen and two...

Haiti October 29 – 30, 2011

On Saturday morning Simon and I left Z’Orange and met Ginette to go grocery shopping. I have known Ginette for 12 years, and she is a wonderful Christian lady. I don’t know what we would do without her. Not only does she cook for us, but she also works...

Haiti October 25 – 28, 2011

I have been in Haiti for four days now and this is the first time I have had time to send an entry–I hit the ground running and have not stopped. Simon and I have not been getting back to the mission house till seven or eight o’clock every night. Haiti is...