North American Family Center
Art Wilson, of Gang Rescue, invited Bro Chuck and Bro John to go to the North American Family Center juvenile facility in DeFuniak Springs. This is a facility for teenage boys from all over Florida who have committed various crimes. Some of the kids are in gangs and some are just running around with he wrong crowd.
As Bro Chuck was speaking with them it was evident that he did not have their attention, but the Holy Spirit took care of that and within minutes, they were listening to the word of God. He gave his testimony, which hopefully gave them hope that there is another way and that way is with Jesus. Some of the young men came up afterwards and asked them to pray for them. Brother Chuck said, “As we prayed for them, I thought of what Jesus said, that we are supposed to go into the prisons. How can we not go where people are crying out for Christians just to pray for them? If I have learned anything from my adventure with my Lord, it is that we can never do too much for the Kingdom. We can rest when we are with Him.”
For more information about Gang Rescue, call Art Wilson at 850-865-4957.