As you can see, the team arrived today. Dr. Sanders, who is from Memphis TN, has put together a great medical team, and we have members from California, Idaho, Alabama, North Carolina, Florida and Tennessee. We made it to the mission house around 6 pm to enjoy a delicious dinner by Ginette.
News from Clint about school
It has been a great couple of days working with the teachers. They have the love of Christ in their hearts for these children. I went into each class yesterday with Pastor Do, Junior, and Francoeur, validating the school roster. While the validation is not yet complete, there will be more than 350 kids attending school this year. One teacher told me they have more children in school this year than any time prior. Praise the Lord! We held a late meeting with the administrators last night and presented them with a new color printer, numerous school supplies, potential curriculum, and websites for them to view with teaching aids and materials. They were very excited! Sunday I have a few more kids to validate, and Monday will be the day to take pictures of students who were not here at the initial registration. A very exciting piece of news is that we believe God is going to provide the money for the raising of the school roof. Our goal is to complete it in January/February time frame. Even with the cooler temps this time of year, it was amazingly hot in the full classrooms. There are several classes being held outside under tarps. These are actually the cooler classes. While our vision is great, we know God’s vision is greater. As long as we give Him the glory and don’t try to get ahead of Him, He will bless this endeavor beyond our comprehension. Thank you for your prayers and support in this ministry and project.
Small classroom
Waiting for school to begin
Honoring their country
Prayer in school !
Kindergarten class
One of the outside classrooms
Primary school teacher
Working before school begins
School administrators
High school students
Team has arrived at airport
Team has arrived at airport
Team has arrived at airport
Having dinner at mission house
Dr. Sanders and Ginette
Dinner at mission house