Today I slept until 7:30, and woke up feeling great. We have been going strong every day since I got here on Monday, getting up early and going to Port every day. We still had to go to Port today, but we didn’t leave until about 9:00. I had to cash another check at One Stop Grocery and buy some more groceries for the mission house and for the Pastors Conference. Things were going pretty well until we got into a major traffic jam on the way home. I turned the Ford around and headed in the wrong direction, but at least we were moving. Eventually, I found a road that would head us in the right direction. Simon and I laughed, as we had done this many times during the earthquake when traffic was so bad – we know many shortcuts in Port au Prince. We were almost to one of the main roads, and there was a detour sign – we had no idea where this road went, and neither did anyone else. Everyone was looking for a road to turn on, but they were all washed out. We kept following this car until I finally recognized one of the tent areas that we had given food to (that is still there), and then I knew how to get us home. It was another amazing adventure with our Lord!
When we arrived at the mission house, we were met by the families that we are buying the land for the clinic from. They have been having a little problem deciding who owns what, and how to divide the money. They have had all week to figure this out. Last night I told Simon to call and tell them that if they could not decide by tomorrow (today), I was going to take them to court and get our down payment back. That must have prompted them to make a decision – when they came by today, they wanted their money today! I had told them all week that we had the money in the bank, we would have to go and get it, and we were not just going to give them the money until we went to a government office in Port and got everything done legally. Long story short, we meet Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. to purchase the land – God willing. It is always something in Haiti, but I guess I must love being here – I keep coming back. I want to thank the people who have sponsored a child from reading the reports on the website, and everyone who supports God’s ministry – TEM. God bless.