Report by Nicole

Wow! God is so awesome! He has shown us His power and presence. We have been blessed this morning by visiting an orphanage. When we arrived they blessed us with song. It was amazing how they sing songs such as we sing in their language, like “How Great is Our God” and “Give Thanks.” Very powerful how we can worship together and praise ‘The True and ONLY GOD!’ We also went to a voodoo village. God said in his Word that He didn’t give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. We have never felt such a peace come over us since we have been here, even in the voodoo village. We did VBS with both the orphanage and the kids in the voodoo village. We sang songs, dramatized Bible stories, and even created crafts. Tonight we are going back to the voodoo village, and we will be watching the Jesus film. The amazing thing is that the voodoo priest is allowing us to show the film at his home. Wow! We will be glorifying Christ in Satan’s domain. Jesus is awesome! He has opened doors for us that we never would have imagined. Thank you for all of your prayers and support! We love you all!


Report by Jaclyn

Music and love have proven the universal language. Hearing “How Great is Our God” sung in Haitian Creole has my heart smiling. Vacation Bible School has become mobile and taken on a new meaning as our mission team has ministered God’s Word to the Haitians through music, drama, and crafts. Along with an interpreter, we have trekked through the rocky hills of the valley to share Jesus; many say they know Him, and others do not. Our interpreter helped me share the gospel with some workers who were building a house using an EvangiCube. They were polite and listened, and even videoed us. The Haitian kids are wrapping Madison up. She is able to play along with them – she let them fix her hair, and they want her to carry them everywhere. I cannot wait to show friends and family what God is doing here in Haiti. God is revealing Himself in so many ways. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. I definitely see another mission trip to Haiti.

Haiti July 15, 2015
Haiti July 13, 2015