TEM was blessed with another successful Haiti Bargain and Bake Sale this weekend, with a grand total over $6200, $1488 of which was from Gene’s baked goods. It’s a huge effort, and so many people participated – from the setup to the cleanup – an enormous THANK YOU to everyone involved for your dedication, support, and all the long hours and hard work! As always, it was the Body of Christ working together for the Kingdom.
A bacon cooker!
Busy place
A shirt that fits
Barnie handled the furniture
Bill at work
Boss checks with the First Lady
Busy ladies
Checking for money
Cris bought lots of cookies
Crowd waiting for Door to open
Crowd waiting on Friday morning
Early morning helpers
Ed checks out the sofa
Boss & First Lady
Fun meeting new friends
Fun working with friends
Gary worked hard
Gene counts money
God gets all the glory
Householders found some bargains
It’s a curtain!
Jay & Judy at work station
Lenna resting
Lots of clothes
Lots of customers
Lots of sales were made
Lots of shoes
Make sure it works
Matt, Gary & a stove
Matt worked hard
Michael found an X-Box
Our Leader
Pirate & his jewels
Ruth buys some cookies
Some time for fellowshipping
Things are ready
To God be the Glory!
Tori & her two grandmas
Trying to get some free cookies
Uncovering the goodies
You just gotta get the phone sometimes