Report by Cal
The song “Jesus, He Loves Me” has been playing in my head and heart all day long. I am so grateful and blessed to be a part of a ministry that allows me to serve the good folks of Haiti. We are on our last day of this trip, and we have felt and known His presence all along the way. From the people on our team, who quickly blended and found our place on this mission—to the pastors who came to learn and be equipped so that they could go back and tend their flocks—to the children who have stolen our hearts with their smiles and hugs—it has been a good week to worship the Lord through service and praise. It is a blessing to see how many lives were changed, not only in Haiti, but on our team…some of us will go home with a changed heart and soul. I know that I am ready to come back, and many others are, too. We are all sad to go home, but we are excited about how the word of Jesus is spreading in a little village called Z’Orange. The chorus of the song says, “I couldn’t run, couldn’t run from His presence, I couldn’t run, couldn’t run from from His arms, Jesus, He Loves Me.” Just know that Jesus loves you, too…Jezi Remen Ous!