November 6, 2007

A Day In Haiti Is Never Boring I awoke to Pastor Chuck knocking at my door asking me if I had ever had kidney stones. He wasn’t looking too good. Unfortunately I have had them about five times. With the pain he had, it seemed as though he had a kidney stone. At...

November 5, 2007

The Medical Clinic And VBS Begins, While Others Visit Hut-to-hut What a great day in the Lord! We started the day with devotion and breakfast at 7 a.m. Afterwards we packed and carried trunks of medicine up to the church for the clinic. As usual, people had been...

November 4, 2007

Looking Over The Devastation – Making Preparations – Praising The Lord Last night (Saturday) some of the team members brought in money to be used for the disaster victims. I have also received e-mails stating that people were sending in donations. The...

November 3, 2007

Delivering Supplies to Z’Orangé And Picking Up The Team George and I got up at 5 a.m. and headed to Z’Orangé, where we arrived around 10 a.m. It was a good trip and as usual, God was good. It didn’t look like it had rained much in the mountains...

November 2, 2007

Gathering Supplies in Port-au-Prince George and I got up early and had our day all planned out on how we were going to help the people in Z’Orangé. We were going to get the truck from Love A Child, and see if they had any clothes and food they could provide, and...