Every morning start Today
With a Thank You
To the one who created it all
Recognize all the Blessings that you have
If you dwell on the
“Should of haves”
or the “Would of hads”
Then you never Enjoy what you have right now
Live your life for today
We are not promised tomorrow
Glorify God in all that you do
Every minute of the day
Be a Giver
To those in need
Give because-
Not because you have to
Constantly seek the Lost
Oh! What a Joy
It is to bring someone into the Kingdom
For the first time
“33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33
Remember this World is not about You or me
It is about the One who is Lord of All
The Maker of the Heavens and the Earth
Rejoice and Be Glad for He is the King!