Bro. Chuck with Brown (Dottie's little puppy)
Pastor Harry's church
Children 2
Pastor Harry giving Communion Wine
Pastor Harry's congregation
Young girl
Children in front row
Children in front row 2
Will, the back-row Baptist
Bro. Chuck speaking to congregation
Bro. Chuck speaking to congregation 2
Bro. Chuck having fun with young boys
Men of church loading bags of food
Food for congregation
Pastor Harry directing food distribution
Men bagging rice
Pastor Harry carrying food to be distributed
Man thankful for his small bag of rice
Pastor Harry handing out food
Young girls
Young boys
Young girl 2
Young girl 3
Will helping with distribution
Young boy
Will has a friend
Bro. Chuck found his Safari Guide after all these years
Everybody praising the Lord for the food he gave them
Pastor Harry's wife
Young girl 4
Bye-bye Will, Thanks for coming