March 12
Today we got up early–we thought–until I found out that this year Haiti has gone on daylight savings time. Some years, like last year, they do not, so you never know. So, actually we got up late. After breakfast we had church in the mission house, and then we were off to the beach to have a wonderful day with our Lord. As I write this, the kids are on the beach having a great time. After lunch here, we will have a few more hours of beach time, then will head back to the mission house where we will attend Haitian church tonight. Thanks so much for all your prayers.
March 11
Report by Hannah Corley
Today was our first full day in Haiti, and it was so much more than I ever expected. David and Lisa weren’t kidding about island time, the day seemed to last forever. Our morning began early with the sound of dogs, roosters, and children laughing outside in the courtyard. They are all so eager for us to come out and play. The boys played soccer with the older kids, while the little ones covered our laps. The group took a walk around the village with two of our translators, Dodo and Tony. My favorite thing about the village is that you are never alone; there’s always a pair or two of little feet following close by. I expected the language barrier to be more difficult to overcome, but to my surprise, most people understand some English. Even if they don’t understand everything we say, a smile is universal. I was reminded today that however different we might be, we all serve the same God. And although I cannot tell them how much Jesus loves them in Creole, I can show them that love. And my Father will be faithful to complete every good work begun.
After our walk through the village and lunch, play time resumed. A few of the girls and I sat on a bench outside talking to the kids. I had a precious little girl named Kesia in my lap, while about four other boys and girls braided my hair. I can’t remember the last time my heart was so full. When we first arrived in Port-au-Prince yesterday, my eyes saw a poverty stricken land. My heart ached for the people. I think as privileged Americans, we often think about how much God will bless the people we’re going to serve. But they have blessed me much more than I imagined. Though they have much less than we do, they are happy and thankful and content. I think of the lyrics, “Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well with my soul,” and what a perfect example these beautiful people are of those words. It is well. I am overwhelmed with my Father’s goodness.
Later in the afternoon, a group of the kids were singing–having choir practice, I believe. I listened to them with another little one, Jessica, sitting in my lap with arms wrapped tight around my neck. The sun was beginning to go down, and I gazed at the enormous mountains in the distance. For a moment, it seemed like the world stopped turning. I wasn’t thinking about what was going on back home, not worrying about what tomorrow holds, not concerned with anything except was was right in front of me. My spirit was still. I felt God more closely and intimately than ever before. I thanked Him for the opportunity to be here this week. I looked down at my feet; they were absolutely filthy. But it was okay. I thought of Romans 10:15: “And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'” Yes, even my dust covered and calloused feet. They are beautiful to my Jesus.
We spent this evening bagging soaps and lotions and preparing medicine for the clinics this week. I’m so thankful for this group of people spending Spring Break spreading the love of Jesus. As I write this with the group worshiping around the kitchen table, I am overjoyed to give up the comforts of home for a week. I am thankful for the opportunity to live minimally and love extraordinarily. And I can’t wait to walk outside in the morning to a dozen beautiful smiles and open arms.
“…’Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:14-15
Church in mission house
Church in mission house
Team in mission house
Wahoo Bay Beach Club & Resort
Wahoo Beach
Wahoo Beach Resort
Beautiful view at Wahoo Beach Resort
Wahoo Beach
Wahoo Beach
Arriving at Wahoo Beach Resort
Arriving at Wahoo Beach
Arriving at Wahoo Beach
Arriving at Wahoo Beach
Team at Wahoo Beach
Team at Wahoo Beach
Team at Wahoo Beach
Team at Wahoo Beach
Team at Wahoo Beach
Team at Wahoo Beach Resort
Lunch at Wahoo Beach
Wahoo Beach Resort
Lunch at Wahoo Beach
Lunch at Wahoo Beach
Lunch at Wahoo Beach
Lunch at Wahoo Beach
Lunch at Wahoo Beach
Lunch at Wahoo Beach
Madeline with Mikael
Lorrie with little boy
Going on a walkabout
Ainslie & Rylie
Ainslie playing with kids
Rylie's new friends
Packing meds
Scott packing meds
Joyfully packing meds
Robin in mission house
Sarah watching soccer game
Team taking a break
Sarah, Rylie & Maria
Rylie on soccer field
Haitian kids having fun with Americans
Team on soccer field
Daily chore carrying water
Kids in the courtyard
Kids at the well