Report by Dr. Jeremy Gates
First and foremost I must say just how amazing our God is! Over a year ago I began praying that God would lead people to our church with medical training so we, as a church, could sponsor 1 medical mission trip a year. God has brought 3 people to our church who indeed are in the medical field. Last fall when we began planning our trip for this week, we began praying specifically for several needs. God has met all the needs through many of you, and others, giving faithfully.
My wife, Kristin, began praying several months ago that God would provide much needed shoes (especially Crocs style because they work so well on this terrain and wash easily, with the amount of rain and mud over here) to bring with us. It just so happens that last month a couple began worshiping with us at Wright, and one is a manager for (get ready…) a Crocs store! God then moved in her heart to collect shoes from customers who wanted to donate to Truth Ministry’s and Wright Baptist Haiti efforts. When she told Kristin and me at church that she was collecting Crocs for us to bring over, we rejoiced! We said nothing to anyone, yet God moved in all of our hearts collectively. I’m proud to say we brought over 75 pairs of shoes!
Kristin, Miranda (our daughter) and I were over here last March into April and we had brought bug nets for the 3 of us. We slept so comfortably that God laid on our hearts to raise funds to bring over a bug net for every bunk in the mission house. Again, God, through His people, enabled me to purchase a bug net for each bunk and have extra for future needs! Craig Ingermann and I successfully hung all the nets and everyone slept well. Again, our God is good and able to do exceedingly more than all we could ever imagine.
We worshiped at Jerusalem I Church last night and had a powerful worship experience. Because we all left Pensacola at 6 am, we didn’t get to worship in a church on Sunday morning. So last night it was refreshing to worship with our Haitian brothers and sisters. This morning we did VBS with the children here at the mission, and opened up our medical clinic at Jerusalem I Church. I’m working with the medical team this week. Already we’ve seen over 200 people, and there is still a line as I write this. What a humbling experience it is for me to see such physical needs. One thing that stuck out to me was the number of children who are in such need, and I can honestly say out of 100 or more children, I heard 2 babies cry. There is no whining, no fussing, no complaining, no temper tantrums. Just sweet faces patiently waiting to be seen. And we complain if the Emergency Room has a 30-minute wait. God forgive us.
Tomorrow we’ll be setting up the medical clinic at Jerusalem IV Church. We’ll have an opportunity to go see Love a Child Ministries along with Feed My Starving Children to see all that God is doing through hundreds of people responsible for providing nutrient rich food (rice) for our kids. I’ve been once with Bro. Chuck and I’m excited to go back and have the team with me this time!
I continue to be affected in such a way I can hardly describe every time I’m here. I thank God for the hundreds of people, many of you reading this, who have invested in me, our church, Truth Ministries, and this team. May God bless you for your faithfulness, and I pray you’ll get a “small taste” of our week as we continue to share.
Sunday night church at Jerusalem I
Sunday night church
Church Sunday night
Sunday night
Sunday night church
Church at Jerusalem I
Pastor Chuck preaching on Sunday night
People waiting to go in clinic
People waiting for clinic
People waiting for clinic
Pleople inside waiting to see doctor
Checking blood pressure
Checking blood pressure
Clinic at Jerusalem I
Clinic at Jerusalem I
Craig seeing patients
Kristin giving out glasses
Team having fun with kids
Team having fun with kids
Team having fun with kids
Team having fun with kids
Team having fun with kids