Cal Griffin
This is my Story…It started with “I guess so.”
I grew up in Church loving Jesus. My grandmother always made sure I was in Church whenever the doors were open. So as an adult, mission work came natural. My wife and myself, led many youth through Sunday School and on World Changer Mission trips. We just love glorifying the Lord through Missions.
When my daughter Gracie was about 16, she asked if she could go on a Mission Trip to Haiti. I told her that we needed to pray about it. I was hoping that she would forget about the trip. Well, she didn’t, about six months later, a lady at Church announced that their would be a Haiti Trip meeting after Church service. So after Church, we meandered into the back of the meeting room. The leader spotted me and asked if I was going on the trip? I said, “I guess so”. And that is where it all began.
Several months later, July 2016, I found myself at the Truth Mission house in Haiti with twenty of my closest friends for the week including my two my daughters. That was the beginning of something special. That week we held several VBS’s, performed puppet shows, built church pews, and picked up trash on the soccer field. It was a place that I felt the Lord calling me to serve. It was hard to describe, but I found my Peace there. I found my calling.
After arriving home back in the states, my wife greeted me and asked how I liked it. I told her that I couldn’t talk about it. A couple of weeks later, I sat her down and told her that the Lord was calling me there. And that we needed to prepare our lives for when He was ready for us to go. She gave me a look of terror and said “OK”.
At the time we had two businesses. A jewelry store that was our main source of income for that last 27 years and a real estate practice with another company. I told my wife that we needed to close the store so that we would have more flexibility to go to Haiti when we needed to go. So we made a plan, and eight months later we started our Going out Business Sale. In the meantime, we thought it would be best to have our own Real Estate Firm. This would give us more income and also, give me the freedom to leave when I needed to go. And Prissy could handle the business while I was away in Haiti. It was a scary time, but we trusted in the Lord and it all worked out.
Over the next couple of years, we trusted and listened to the Lord. After many trips to the Mission, I approached Chuck and told him that I felt the Lord was calling me to take his place when he retired. He agreed and took me on as his apprentice. He graciously showed me the ropes and introduced me to all the key leaders in Haiti. He gave me a real schooling in Mission Work. It was a hands-on opportunity of a lifetime. I was blessed to have Chuck as a mentor. After all he had been doing missions for over twenty years.
Finally, I am more than excited to share the Love of Jesus with the people of Z’Orange. I hope and pray that you will continue to send me and continue to support our ministry. We are serving a people who so desperately need to hear the Words of our Savior-Jesus. They live in a land of woe and desolation. Together we will be the light and hope of a Risen Lord! Thank you for the opportunity to Serve the Lord in Haiti. Thank You for partnering with Truth!
Your brother in Christ,
Cal Griffin