Today we picked up the Camp Blessing group from Texas at New Life Missions in Port au Prince. They will be working with us for the next 4 days. We arrived at the TEM mission house around 4 p.m. After a quick, delicious Haiti meal prepared by Ginette, we went down to Daniel’s voodoo village to show the Jesus film. It always amazes me that every time we go there they ask to see the Jesus film again. As they watch the movie you can see them say some of the words that Jesus speaks as He is saying them. The children – large and small – watch intently without saying a word as they sit in the dirt. We are assured that His word will not come back void. What a wonderful opportunity that the Lord gives us to share the Gospel.
Tomorrow the group will be going down to Mission of Hope, which is a large ministry down the mountain from us. They don’t know exactly what they will be doing, but if it is like TEM there is always plenty to do.
Thank you for your prayers, and may the Lord bless you and your families today as much as He is blessing us.
Camp Blessing group leaving New Life on Gabriel
Group leaving New Life Mission
Traffic in Port au Prince
Traffic in Port au Prince
Markets along the way
Trash on side of road
Market day in Titanyen
Haitians going home from market
Poverty in Haiti
Riding on Gabriel (military truck)
Group arriving at TEM mission house
Arriving at TEM mission house
Showing Jesus film in voodoo village
Showing Jesus film in voodoo village
First morning in mission house
Kitchen duty