God has shown TEM favor so many times I cannot count them; He provides everything we need when we need it. He has now shown favor on us by providing the opportunity to buy a beautiful 2-acre property about a 3-minute walk from the mission house. Mango, avocado and orange trees – along with a great place for a garden – grace this property that also has a gorgeous view of the mountains. There is enough space to build 3 houses, in which full or part-time missionaries could live – this is the future of TEM. I have always known that one day we will have full-time missionaries on the ground in Haiti. Almost every year someone expresses interest in spending a month or more in Z’Orange. Right now we are just not set up for that.
Buying land in Haiti is very difficult. Usually there are several families who own a property, and it’s hard to get them to come to an agreement on selling. This land is owned by one man, and he approached us to see if we wanted to buy it. (There is no doubt in my mind that this is God’s favor on TEM – the Lord knows what we need before we ask!) He was asking $9200 for the property, and we bargained down to $6200. The cost of the survey will be $500, and to pay taxes and register it will be $1200, so the total cost will be $7900. We already have $1500, so all we need now is another $6400 for this property. I will be going back to Haiti on October 23 to make final payment. I am assured that by then we will have the additional $6400.
If the Lord has led you to give to the future of TEM in Haiti, just click on DONATE on the banner at the top of this page. You can donate online using PayPal, or send a check to the address there. Please let me know if you are sending a gift so that I can keep everyone posted on how the Lord uses His people to accomplish His plans.
Please consider being a part of the future of TEM in Haiti. If you can’t give, I know you can pray. May the Lord bless you all.