Pastor George asked me speak at the Waterfront Mission on a Thursday night, and for a split second I had to think about this because I spend each Thursday night with my father but I said yes. As Thursday evening arrived I got on my knees in my office and prayed that the Lord would give me the words to say that would touch the hearts of the men there. There is usually a small group of men, about twenty, and unfortunately some don’t listen to the message because they are there just to get out of the weather or to avoid jail. I tell you this because, first of all, it is true and, second, it affected my prayer. My prayer was that the Lord would touch a man’s heart that was not listening, a man that was there just because he had to be. I prayed that the Holy Spirit would come into this man and convince him that he needed Jesus.
I showed a video about Truth Evangelistic Ministry and explained how God took an alcoholic like me to go and do these things for the Kingdom, and how He can use each one of them if they will just be willing. I gave my testimony and I ended with a prayer, still asking that the Lord would touch that man that had not been paying attention. I finished about 8 p.m. and then stayed to talk with several men about where they were and how God has a wonderful plan for them. As I was leaving, a man came running after me to tell me that a man had accepted Jesus Christ and to ask me if I would like to talk to him. Naturally I said yes, so we hurried back and found this young man sitting at a picnic table. I began to talk to him and he told me that as I was praying about the one not paying attention, he realized that was him and he wanted to give his life to Christ.
After a good talk and a hug, I explained what he needed to do now and what to expect being a new Christian. I will withhold his name but lift up a prayer for this young Christian man.
Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive.” When we pray in His will, it is amazing what He does.