Life comes at you pretty hard some times. Death, divorce, cancer and bankruptcy are just a few to name. Murder, rape, robbery and kidnapping are a few more that you may have already experienced in your lifetime. We live in a broken world filled with sin and strife. The days of walking in the Garden with the father are long gone. Peace on Earth is a fleeting thought or a sweet fairytale you tell your kids when they are young.
“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),” Ephesians 2:4-5
It was God who raised us and it will be God who saves us. No matter how big the storm or how long that it last. It will be God who reaches his hand out to lift us out of the pit of death. During the storms of life it is when we become strong. While we waiting- that is we learn to pray. Even in the silence of the desperate nights you become closer to Him.
While you are waiting, chose life. Chose the everlasting and the forever God. Praise His mighty name and bow down and worship. This storm or the next will not last. Cry out to Jesus and Declare that he is Lord and He will save you.
I know that many of you are facing the storm of a lifetime. We will be praying for you that the Good Lord will give you peace and understanding. That you will have patience and that a league of Angels will be singing a heavenly song to lift you up during your time of woe.
Have you tasted His goodness? Have you seen His Glory?
Wait on Him-Help is on the Way!