Not much to write about today but it was a peaceful day with the Lord. We first went by Pastor Harry’s church and met with Boss T-Crab, the job foreman. He wanted our approval on something he was doing. He is always trying to please. After this we talked with Pastor Harry about other details of the church and what the needs were at this time. Then we gave Boss T-Crab his gift from Jerry Lantz from St. Louis. It was a yellow hard hat with his name on it. You can tell by his smile (see photo) how happy he was. We then gave red hard hats to the rest of the men that were working on the crew. They were all so proud of their new hats. A good Haitian friend told me one time that Haitians don’t ask for a lot and are happy with something but their government gives them nothing.
When we finished up at Croix de Bouquet, we went up to Z’Orange to meet with Pastor Do to discuss the March Pastor’s Conference and team that will be coming in with VBS and Medical. We also gave Pastor Do three Toshiba laptop computers for the children to learn on at the school. His son, Julio, was with him and they were so happy.
While I was talking with Pastor Do, Karl and Simon were measuring for electric and water lines for the materials we need to get up to Z’Orange before the team arrives in February. It is an exciting time to be able to sit and plan what we need for the next step of the project. If we can get the five bathrooms functioning and electric fans hooked up in February, I will happy.
There is a lot of work to be done but we have to remember that souls come first and people will always be our priority.
I also discussed with Pastor Do about how I don’t want the Haitian people in Z’Orange to always have to depend on Americans. I don’t want us to be there 10 years from now and they still need our help. I want them to be self sufficient, just relying on God. I asked Pastor Do and Julio what they thought about us renting some large piece of land, paying the workers so they would have a job, and bring home money not only for their family but to the valley of Z’Orange, and when we harvest, we take the money earned and pay our teachers and help with the cost of food for the children. They can have three crops a year here. They got excited about this and I told them we need to pray that the Lord would give us some good land and good hard-working honest men. We can use this same principal with a chicken farm and a tilapia pond. Please be praying about these projects. I know ministries that have been here for 30 years that still have to give, give, and give. I know it doesn’t have to be this way. With our God all things are possible, especially if we pray and let Him make the miracle happen, not us.
I would like the valley of Z’Orange to be like a little Jerusalem, a valley of milk and honey, all to the glory of our Lord. If you have any skills in any of these areas, please share your gift God gave you to help His children in Haiti; you will be blessed.