Yesterday we fed the local children, as you will see from the photos. Feed My Starving Children gives the food, Love a Child distributes it, and Madame Do prepares it. Love A Child pays $10,000 per container for the food, and naturally there is a cost for Feed My Starving Children – as we know, nothing is free. These are two excellent organizations to donate to.
We got up early today so that I could get the team to the airport in time to catch their 9:20 flight. After our coffee and some of Ginette’s delicious banana bread, we loaded up the Ford and headed to Port. After dropping off the team, Simon and I went by the Ford dealership to leave the Ford to have a luggage rack put on it while I’m away. Each time I pick up a small team, I have to pay for another vehicle to take the luggage up to Z’Orange, which costs a minimum for $50. The luggage rack is expensive, as is everything else here in Haiti, but it will pay for itself over time. After dropping the Ford off, I got a ride to the airport; I’m waiting on my flight as I write this.
I cannot tell everyone how much I appreciate your prayers for God’s ministry (TEM). We have worked hard in Haiti since 1999, and in Z’Orange since 2005. God is blessing us for all our hard work. I have often said if you do something for the Lord He will bless you, but you must be about His business. He showed me His vision for Z’Orange many years ago; building and running the school was in that vision, as was the mission house and the clinic and several churches. He is continually putting His people together to accomplish His vision for Z’Orange. I cannot describe the joy in my heart to see Haitians and Americans working together in harmony to make this school project possible. The Haitian administrators had worked very hard to have names and classes already prepared for registration; if they had not, it would have taken us at least twice as long to resister all the children. We will still have about 50 more, I think, to register when school starts on September 17.
I want to thank Clint and Lisa, Sandy, and Kaylie, not only for listening to the Holy Spirit, but also for acting upon His direction. As I have said before, this is going to be very difficult, because the funds are just not there to pay the teachers, but we are assured that God is going to bless this work. When we get home, we will be preparing the information for the website on how to sponsor a child, and printing brochures to be mailed out. If you would like some for your church, Sunday school classes, or any other associations, just contact us and we will be happy to send you some. Hope you enjoy the photos – and thank you for making this possible.