Last night we had church at Jerusalem IV, and I mean we had church! As the people sang, danced and praised Jesus, dust rose up off the floor. As usual several groups sang before Pastor Jeremy was introduced, and then he sang “Give me Jesus,” which was beautiful. Afterward he preached on love and how if we love we are being obedient to Jesus and acting like Jesus, and if we act like Jesus we must forgive. When he was finished 8 or 9 people came forward and knelt on the dirt floor to ask for forgiveness and help to forgive others – it was moving.
This morning I drove Pastor Jeremy and Pastor Mike to the airport; God willing, they will be with their families tonight. It seems kind of strange without them here now. When I got back to the mission house, Joe and Bill were working on the seesaw they built many years ago. It is still in one piece, but the wood has rotted. Pat, Andy and Abe were finishing up the painting. It truly looks awesome. The inside and outside are finished and all chalk boards are painted. They are ready for school now.
Again, I want to thank all of you for making all of this possible.