Report by Lisa Downing
We began our morning with the three P’s: prayer, pop-tarts and protein bars, as we planned our adventure into Port Au Prince. Our team loaded into the Ford Everest ready to start this beautiful morning and….the vehicle would not crank! After several “five minutes” of charging the battery we were on our way! The quest into town was a delight as we wove in and out of traffic avoiding near collisions, but do not worry, Brother Chuck kept us safe!
First, we stopped by to check the construction progress of Simon’s house in Port. While there is still much to do for completion, the house is coming along. Simon places his trust in his Heavenly Father that this home will be complete one day. It was exciting to see Simon’s future home and envision the completion. We even gave his neighborhood street a name – Simon’s Way!
We then travelled further east to visit the Love a Child Ministries in Fond Parisian, which is operated by Bobby and Sherry Burnette. This was certainly the highlight of the day, as we saw the amazing work of Love a Child. We toured the facilities in awe of what God has done with this ministry! The orphanage was filled with beautiful children and the love of Christ permeated everywhere. What a blessing for the precious children who reside at Love a Child which overlooks the picturesque Caribbean Sea and has a view of neighboring Dominican Republic.
We left with a truckload (about 200 boxes) of Manna Pack fortified rice and soy protein packages to be distributed in the Z’Orange area. This food is extremely vital to the people of Haiti, and has certainly made significant changes in their health.
Our afternoon was spent in a great time of fellowship with each other, and of course we made time for a little siesta! Clint and Sandy spent time working on student input and such, while Kaylie and I went on a little trek down the rock-strewn road in our sandals and flops. Of course, as always, we had our own personal tour guides. Two sweet, young children accompanied us along the way. We were given flowers for our hair and Creole lessons as they translated words for the local fruit and vegetation. We sang, danced and laughed with them….it just doesn’t get any better than this! I think Kaylie found a daughter to bring home!
As I write this tonight, we are all working on the sponsorship project program with great excitement and anticipation of what the Lord is going to do here. Please join us in prayer as we commit our work unto the Lord. Merci, Savior!
A small delay leaving for Port
Future of Simon's house
What do you think - mango or avocado tree?
Simon's Way
Love A Child Food Distribution Center
Gettting ready to load food
Love A Child Food Dist. Center"
Seeing the glory of God
Loading time!
Clint checking out warehouse
Kaylie, that is gonna hurt!
Lisa's new little friend
Awesome dorm rooms at Love A Child!
Little boys at Love A Child
A beautiful view of the Caribbean
Just need some loving.......
Love A Child
Feed My Starving Children boxes of food
Kaylie & Sandy at Love A Child
Tilapia Farm at Love A Child
Thank you, Love A Child !
Loading food at Love A Child
Team at Love A Child
Little Haitan girl full of joy
Sweet lady of Z'Orange
Kaylie enjoyed some seesaw time
Working late to get the job done!
Kaylie and Loralynn