We began our day with a 30-minute walk to a small church called Palto. Here the medical team saw 222 patients. After lunch we went to Daniel’s voodoo village, where the team saw 87 more. It has been a very hot day here, but I have not heard one person complain. This team was definitely called to be here.
Report by Cheryl Peters
Amazing what God has for us every day. He reminds me daily of what I have to be thankful for. He shows me the Haitian people’s thankful and grateful hearts. At church last night they were passionate with their praise; they know that God is in control and worthy of their praise – they were rejoicing in the Lord! So much they teach us as we are helping them. Their praise was contagious, and I think even those from our group who were not used to exuberant praise were drawn in. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for blessing us and them indeed. They are the example of the village taking care of each other. The interpreters, the cook, the mission leaders and assistants give of their time; they are so patient with us and plan ahead to meet our needs. We are blessed by each of them; please keep them in your prayers also – lift them up! Thank you to home churches and families praying for our safety and health. All is well…hallelujah!
Report by Jaycie Peters
It is great seeing all of these wonderful things happening at the clinic. I’m not a nurse, but to be able to watch and learn what the nurses do, it makes me feel like the world is a better place. Seeing all the Haitian people surround the Americans, wanting to learn about us and just “exploring” what we look like, makes me feel very grateful I am here today. It also makes me grateful that they are supportive of us being in their country. I would love to come back and learn more and more about God and the Haitian people. Since I have been in Haiti, God has spoken to me for the first time. It was amazing what He told me; all it takes is some time to listen and hear what God has to tell you. Before I came here, I was expecting it to be much worse. I am very thankful for the cook, the interpreters, and for the rest of the team’s support – we are a family. God bless.
Report by Amie Beadles
To end the day we went to the voodoo village. We had the privilege of walking to the village and seeing what a beautiful country God has created. The people of Haiti are beautiful on the inside and out. Each person we come in contact with is so grateful and appreciative. They have taught me to be grateful for the things God has blessed me with. The voodoo village was such a neat place, and I am thankful they allowed us to have a medical clinic there. Today we went to 2 great places and had the honor of helping 309 beautiful people. So far since Wednesday we have had the honor to treat 954 people, and we have been so blessed. I will leave you with these words, “God’s not dead, he’s surely alive.” He is living on the inside of each and every one of us.