Report by Olivia
This place… these people… are so incredible.
The people we serve with are amazing and show Christ’s love in everything they do. This morning Simon was praying for the clinic and laid it all out, asking Christ to swoop in and to allow us to serve with abandon. Today, I have been overwhelmed by the things God is doing all around me while sitting back in awe of His greatness. The song Reckless Love by Cory Asbury has been running through my head on repeat “the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God, it chases me down, fights till I’m found, leave the ninety-nine, I couldn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it, still you give yourself away.” There are things here that are nothing short of a miracle. Driving by the worksite where the clinic will break ground soon, seeing the Sonflower Mission House almost done (who needs a roof anyway?), sleeping in a place that used to be nothing but a hut and a bucket of water for showers. The people here are the true picture of Christ, their faithfulness and dependence on Him is unfathomable. God has made a statement in this little village of Z’Orange, and He isn’t finished yet.
Group arriving at Mission House
Group arriving at Mission House
Group arriving at Mission House
Group arriving at Mission House
Group arriving at Mission House
Counting pills
Counting pills
Counting pills
Kat running team
Little girl at clinic
Men in clinic
Kids in clinic
Kids playing soccer
Playing soccer
Waiting for clinic
People waiting on clinic
Lady in clinic
Ladies at clinic
Olivia with baby