I know everyone is busy, but please take a moment to consider – Gabriel desperately needs your help!
As most of you know, Gabriel (our military truck) has served us for 11 years and has taken many teams up and down the mountains safely. Everyone loves to ride on Gabriel, and when it is not in operation everyone is disappointed. Now Gabriel needs your help. We are in the process of changing out all parts of the brake system. We have already spent around $800 in parts and labor, and we are looking at another $1800 to complete the brake system. We need this as soon as possible so we can make sure our teams arrive and leave safely from the mission house. I will get home later today, and leave to go back to Haiti on October 24. If the Lord puts it on your heart to help us with Gabriel, please let me know by email (truthem@gmail.com) what you feel led to give so I can take Gabriel in to be fixed. Donations can be made by PayPal on the TEM website, www.truthem.org, or you can mail a check to: TEM, 1945 Patrician Way, Fort Walton Beach FL 32547.
Thank you so much for your support through the years. November will mark my 16th anniversary working in Haiti, with 11 years in Z’Orange. I could not have made it without your prayers, your support, and your friendship. May the Lord bless you all.