Team waiting for breakfast
Karl & George
Joe, Adam, Phillip, & Will
Eric, Jessica, Pastor Sean & Kyle
Team listening to devotion
Team listening to devotion 2
Lane giving devotion
Pastor Harry, Pastor Alex, Pastor Wisney & Dudley
Team listening to devotion 3
mealtime 2
Pastor Ken teaching at Pastor's Conference
Joe, Will & George build Bro. Chuck's table
Will supposedly helping Bill with 4 wheeler
Children waiting for VBS
Children waiting for VBS 2
Children waiting for VBS 3
Janet & Lisa teaching VBS
Little boy outside VBS
Pastor's Conference (110 people)
Debbie, Betty & Phillip in medical clinic
People waiting for medical clinic
Pastor Harry interpreting for Pastor Phillip
Jessica, Kyle & Adam in VBS
Children looking in on VBS
Children looking in on VBS 2
Children looking in on VBS 3
Janet, Lisa, Tammy & Eric in VBS
Clint holding off children till next VBS
Waiting for VBS
Filling shower barrels
Haitian boy
Men's room
Jerusalem Baptist Church
Before church
Gary walking along path
Typical Haitian house
Trail to Daniels's
Wash day
Voodoo village
Voodoo village 2
Daniel, voodoo priest
Daniel sitting in on the bible teaching
Gary in the voodoo village
Voodoo temple
Voodoo village 3
Chicken hanging from voodoo flag
Gary with children on path
Fresh fish
Pastor Lonnie teaching at Pastors Conference
Pastor Lonnie teaching at Pastors Conference 2
Pastors having fun with Pastor Lonnie
Teaching in voodoo village
Teaching in voodoo village 2
Having bread and juice in voodoo village
Breaking bread at Daniel's
Pastor Lonnie teaching at voodoo village
Karl in voodoo village
Grinding corn
Family in voodoo village