I left early this morning with Simon to go pick up our refrigerator. Praise the Lord it is still under warranty, and they had it fixed. The refrigerator is propane and electric. We bought it for $1500; if it had not been under warranty the repairs would have cost $1200 (the warranty expires April 20). On the way to Port, I dropped Simon off so he could rent a truck and go out to Love A Child–about 20 minutes from the Dominican Republic–and pick up the food that we receive from them each month to feed the kids in our school and in the surrounding area. The food is from Feed My Starving Children in the United States. These two organizations work together to get food to the Haitian people–we are blessed to be able to receive food from them.
When we left this morning Pastor Lonnie, Carlos, Denise, Willa, Andrionna, Beverly and Mokell were leaving to hike up to Jerusalem II. It’s about a 2-hour hike, and the first 45 minutes are straight up a mountain. It is really tough, but they made it. They visited along the way and stopped in at Jerusalem II to visit with Madame Fani. They arrived back at the mission house about 11:30.
We had a really easy day after lunch, packing and doing inventory with the meds. We will be getting up tomorrow about 5 a.m. to have breakfast and leave for the airport.
Report from Laura Peck
Dr. Raina Alexander, Willa Adams, Denise Bonner and I, along with our interpreter Ginette, spoke with 14 women of the village, including Pastor Do’s wife. They agreed to meet with us after we explained that we wanted to get to know them and have them get to know us.
We discovered that they are women who worry about the health and wellbeing of their children as we worry about our children. They said their children give them no problems, unlike a lot of our children. They worry about lack of scholarships for higher education for their children.
Three of the women lost a total of 12 children to sickness. A 35-year-old lady personally thanked Dr. Alexander for treating her son. The women expressed how much our help is appreciated and how they thank God for us taking the time to come to Haiti with medicine they need so much. They said, “We do not have money to pay you but we can pray for you.” Our response was, thank you, your prayers are what we want and need. We are here to show you the love of God.
They are grateful for what we give them, but we are equally grateful for what they give us. They give us an opportunity to give without expecting anything in return. To God be the Glory!
Typical Haitian house
Haitian children
View from mountain
Walking down mountain
Haitian carpenter
Little boy
Little girl
Does Carlos do this at home?
Laura's birthday
Laura's birthday
Laura cutting her cake
Food for the children arrives
Feed My Starving Children food
Ducks find some water
Happy to have a balloon
Having fun with balloons
Wash day