Report by Team Leader Lisa Terrell
Thursday evening’s devotion time was bittersweet as we knew it would be our last “devo” where our Haitian translators would be with us (they left to go home to Port today after our final clinic). All of our translators – Simon, Pierre, Periton, and Dieuvert – are also our brothers in Christ, and we have grown to love them dearly this week. During Thursday evening’s devo we were honored to have a foot washing ceremony for them and TEM’s “Mr. Fixit” named Blanco. What a blessing to be able to, in a small way, serve these who have served us tirelessly all week! We thank God for them and for Ginette, TEM’s chef. We will continue to pray for our Haitian brothers and sisters, that they and their families will persevere and be blessed. Their joy in Christ in the face of Haiti’s difficult circumstances is amazing!
Our final clinic was this morning, we did inventory this afternoon, and now we are packing up supplies for the next group. Soon we’ll be packing our own bags so that we’re ready to jump back aboard Gabriel at 6:30 in the morning for our airport run. While it will be nice to get back home, there is no doubt in my mind that every team member is leaving a piece of his or her heart in Haiti. I’m pretty sure every one will come back as soon as they can!
I know it shouldn’t be a matter of pride, but I could not be prouder of the way this team has bonded in Christ and service this week. They are not my children but I certainly would claim any of them as my own. To the parents of those on this team, you done good. These are truly some of the most selfless, hard-working, Christ-centered, and scripture-grounded young people I have ever had the pleasure to be around. It has been mine and David’s pleasure and a blessing we will never forget.
And finally, a few words from Doc McFadden
This team of students and adults have worked well with each other from the beginning. Having two nursing students who were far enough along in nursing school to help direct pharmacy training helped greatly to get the clinic up to speed. They were of more help as the week went on and by the third day, Rachel was seeing patients! All of the team members quickly learned 15-20 of the most commonly prescribed medications, and organized the drugs for quick dispensation.
Many Haitians, for some reason or another, have GERD – gastroesophageal reflux, or acid reflux – in epidemic proportions. This complaint was the most frequent, and the pain was severe in many. Thanks to the efforts of our leader Ms. Lisa, a handout with lifetime instructions for treatment was available. On it also was the plan of salvation, which will be read by many friends and family members. Only one person claimed not to know someone who could read creole. Thanks to friends, family, and our church family, enough resources were available to buy every medication needed. We even learned of a new treatment of a scalp fungus infection that was needed. The team had contact with over 1,000 patients and their family members.
Bondye bon tou tan! God is good all the time!