Report by Madison Wheat
Last night as the group had our nightly devotions, one of the leaders from Morrison Heights Baptist Church in Clinton, MS asked one of our four amazing interpreters, Peraton, to share his testimony with the group. It was a beautiful story of a single father raising up his son in a Christ-centered household and clinging to the Lord for strength to cope with the death of his young wife. Our group has loved getting to know our interpreters and build great friendships with these four Godly men.
This morning the group woke up early and prepared mentally and spiritually for a long day serving Jerusalem IV with a medical clinic. As we quickly realized that we did not have enough medication for the patients expecting to be treated today, Bro. Chuck prayed that the Lord would provide a way for the medication to get here quickly and efficiently. There are three ministries around the Z’Orange area that help with mission teams that come into the area. God used the newest one, called Helping Haiti, to answer this prayer and provide the 4000 Tylenol and 4000 anti-acids needed for the group we saw today. Our group ended up treating 247 patients today, plus a few of our own members who are not quite used to the heat conditions, ha ha! We treated everything from ear infections to cataracts, rashes and body tumors, to numerous stomach aches and viral infections. We had a lady with a large tumor in her leg and a little boy with a mass in his abdomen the size of an orange.
Over the past two days this simple 19-year-old communications major turned into a nurse, a dentist, a pharmacist, a spit-up wipe for many babies, and most importantly, a sister in Christ for my new Haitian friends. Yesterday a mother looked at me with a very serious look on her face and asked in Creole if I would please take her child back to the United States with me, and the sad part is that she was serious. As the child bounced in my arms and our translator communicated to me the question that was asked, I was in shock. These people desire so desperately a wonderful life for their children. I believe that is the reason why when they visit our clinic, many times they write down every symptom imaginable just so that when their child may become ill in the future, they will be prepared to treat the illness. I talked with a mother of three today. She was beautiful and appeared very healthy. However, my heart was broken for this woman because she is only 21 years old. She shared with me that she had her first child when she was 11 years old. She is not married and her mother helps care for the three children.
This culture intrigues me. Many of these mothers have multiple children from different men, and it is completely acceptable. Marriage is rare. I watched the confused expressions as I explained to a few that I do not have a child of my own. It was translated to me, ‘But you are 19 years old. You don’t have a baby at home?’ Mrs. Lisa and I lovingly encouraged the younger girls today not to have children until they are 25 and married. The teenage girls laughed and giggled with us. These precious and beautiful people are so full of life despite the illness, lack of materials, and things that many Americans cannot image living without. Even though many of the adults have missing or rotting teeth they never hesitate to smile BIG and greet you with a friendly touch. As we ride through the village children come out of the woodworks and run after you with large smiles on their faces. I have fallen in love with this country.
Whether it is facing my phobia of LARGE spiders, helping medically, loving on children, encouraging single mothers, or just bonding with the team, my first trip to Haiti and my first stay with Truth Evangelistic Ministries has been truly life-changing. The Lord is providing and doing MANY great things through this organization and on the beautiful island of Haiti. I am already excited to think of my next time to come back here. I am so grateful and blessed to be a part of watering this seed that TEM has planted in loving, providing for, and leading the Haitian people to health and wholeness in Christ Jesus.
Morning devotion
Morning devotion
Morning devotion
Morning devotion
Morning devotion
Going to Jerusalem IV
Along the road
Along the road
Jerusalem IV
Outside clinic
Waiting for clinic to open
Makeshift doctor's office
Dr. John's station
Betty's station
Pharmacy table
Lisa and Tyler filling prescriptions
Waiting to see doctor
Waiting to see doctor
Waiting to see doctor
Waiting to see doctor
Waiting to see doctor
Waiting to see doctor
Waiting to see doctor
Waiting to see doctor
Little boy in clinic
Lisa with her new friend
Hannah taking blood pressure
Madison found another baby
School at Jerusalem IV
Lee playing soccer with kids