Report by Alexia
“Make Me A Light”
Today was pretty good, but also very tiring. We worked on trying to finish up the outhouse, and we almost got finished. There is never enough time! God has a plan though – we finish when he says we can, ha-ha. A group of us went to the marketplace (Ali, Kaitlyn, Logan, Michelle, Hannah, Noah, Ben, Ethan, Ms.Downing and an interpreter, of course) and were able to pray with some that worked there. We prayed for their families and health. I find it such a blessing to know so many people are open to strangers coming and praying over them. The past nights I’ve been thinking about how many people our group meets daily – how many of them are actually saved, or have even heard the Word. Most of the people we have met have been saved, but some have not. Although they aren’t saved, they are at least open to hearing us. So many times we are scared to open up to those at home about Jesus, because we are scared for them to reject us, or afraid they won’t take what we say seriously. But here, with no distractions, no excuses to not go and speak, we find ourselves more open to go share God’s love. I guess that’s what has been touching me the most, the past few days. God went and died for our sins, that’s how open he was. Would we do that if we had to? Die? On a cross? For God’s glory? Honestly, I myself don’t know. That’s what I find myself working on the most. Through this whole trip I hope to be a light to shine God’s love to others – here, and at home.
Thank you to all who have supported me on this trip, and all who have been praying for our group. It is truly a blessing to serve God. And thank you, Lord, for placing me here for these few 12 days. Let your light shine through me!
Report by Michelle
“A Heart for the Hungry”
It has been amazing seeing the outhouse coming together, and that is really the thing that has been happening mostly. Today we continued to work on the outhouse and we almost finished it. This morning, however, to me was the best part of the day. First, after personal devotions, group devotions, and breakfast we went to Jerusalem IV to finish the outhouse. Being the small one, I was naturally given the small jobs. At first this really disturbed me, but I am learning that the “little” things are just as important as the “big” things. So instead of shoveling, I was given the opportunity to play with the kids and evangelize. After painting a little girl’s nails (the looks on their faces when you tell them they are beautiful – truly amazing!) I had the opportunity to go and evangelize in the market. I was very excited about this; it was the highlight of my day. It really put things in perspective for me. As we went around the market we met a few women, two of them unbelievers. They came up to our group asking for food and telling us all their struggles. One lady, when we asked her if she was converted, told us that she was not, because she had had three sons and all of them died, and she was hungry. She told us that she had a long life to accept Christ. Another woman we met said the same thing: that she was hungry and that her husband had died, and she couldn’t get a job because her knee was injured. This really touched my heart and made me realize just how much we take for granted in the States. While we throw away food we don’t want to eat, people are going through Haitian markets, hopeless and begging for food.
I am looking forward to what God has in store for me the remaining days in this beautiful country. Thank you for all the prayers and support! God bless!