The last day of work was a busy one for the men. They had ¼ of the roof still to tin, also the room next to the school. One of the hardest things left to do was the ridge cap – the angle of the roof makes the tin like a slide. George and I had gone into Port au Prince to take care of some things and, fortunately, we got back before noon to help with the final things that needed to be done.
Angie met with Madame Do and Ginette, and they went out hut-to-hut to give diapers and things to the new mothers in the area. She was able to talk to several of the ladies and hold babies, so she had a great time!
By evening, everything that we can do had been done. The trusses and tin were finished. Now the Haitians must continue building up the front wall to the tin, then they will need to paint the school and clean up the mess. I can’t wait to come back and get a picture of the new and improved school.
I want to thank everyone for the prayers and gifts that made this project successful. I know you may not ever think about it, but because of your love for God’s people there will be children sitting in a comfortable classroom this summer instead of an oven. I know God must smile, especially when we help His little children. And, who knows? One of these children could be the president of Haiti one day, and remember the love that was shown to him in the name of Jesus. Whether or not this happens, you have helped change a country – one village at a time!
Putting away leftover lumber
Putting away leftover lumber
Ken putting away lumber
Team photo
School with side room covered with tin
Front view of finished roof
Putting tin on side room
Putting tin on side room
Skip & Richard
Skip & Bill
Bill and his buddies
Haitian family
Going to market
Haitian carpenter
Angie giving gifts
Taking a walkabout
Hatian family
Phone charging business
Angie with baby