Today was almost identical to yesterday, except that after breakfast and devotion, Bryan joined George, Simon and me to go into Port. I wanted Bryan to see where we purchase our supplies, also to see a little more of Port. The rest of the crew stayed behind and continued their work. The serving line is coming along great–we bought cabinet hinges and trim for it today. While we were gone, Ken engineered a table saw with a circular saw–you will have to see this in the photos. These guys can figure out how to do anything! I am assuming again, because I was not here, that Chuck and Joe helped Ken on the serving line, and Karl and Bill worked on the bathrooms and other projects. We now have all five bathrooms working with water and lights. We just need to hang the mirrors, finish some tile and finish painting one of them. We will eventually build some shelving for towels and sheets.
Bryan, George and I went to three different hardware stores to do our shopping for the guys, and made one stop at the grocery for Ginette. When we arrived back at the mission house about 4:00, we unloaded everything, and by this time it was time for dinner. Ginette outdid herself, with fried chicken and homemade banana bread. She is such a joy, and she loves taking care of us.
After dinner, I drove Chuck, Pastor Do and a truckload of Haitian brothers and sisters down to a little church in Tapio. We have only gone to this church twice with our medical and VBS teams. It is a new one for us to visit in our area. We have added three small churches in the last three months. We are continually going a little farther out from the mission house. Tonight we had over 130 people come to watch the ‘Jesus film.’ I always speak at the end of the film to see if anyone wants to accept Christ, and so far no one has; but I truly believe that there is just so much to take in at once that they have to think about what they have seen and heard. It is like when Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount, the Bible said that the people were astonished at His doctrine. These people had been taught one thing their entire lives by their fathers and grandfathers, and now this man was telling them something else–not only telling them something else, but telling them with authority. I believe they had to go home and ponder over these things, as the Haitians do with the ‘Jesus film.’ There is one thing we know, and that is His Word never comes back void!
Watching Jesus Film in Tapio
Finishing bathroom
Finishing bathroom
Under cabinet lighting
Bill hooking up sink
Joe & Ken
Chuck with Haitian bluetooth
Joe and Ken
Karl working on washer
Ginette making banana bread
Kids playing
Kids playing
Going to market
Bryan taking photo
Joe helping Bryan?
Karl working in bathroom
Karl installing outside light
Homemade table saw
Homemade table saw
George working on serving line