Another beautiful day in Haiti! The weather here is perfect, I would say around 80 degrees in the daytime and 65 at night; you need a blanket at night and long sleeves in the morning. After another great devotion this morning, we all got started on our duties. Everyone started working on preparing the roof for the trusses, while I worked on payroll, spreadsheets, and answering emails. The guys have the first truss built for a pattern, so they can start cutting materials for the other 14.
While I was working in my office I had several visitors, as always. Slyvest was the first. He is the converted voodoo priest who always wants to know when I am going to come to his house and visit, and always asks for salve for his legs and batteries for his radio. Then the boy who had surgery on his arm came with his father to thank us for the surgery that saved his arm. I explained to him that it was Jesus who saved his arm, and that every time he uses it he should thank Him. The boy’s father is not saved, and I explained to him that the only reason we are here is because the Lord sent us. If the Lord had not sent us here, his son would have lost his arm. I pray that he will understand this and possibly come to church on Sunday. After they left, the little boy who has the bad leg came with his mother, and they want to know what we can do for him. This little boy’s leg has a bone that was broken and is growing back improperly – at least, that is what the doctor in Port au Prince told us. It has been swollen, so he has been on antibiotics for a month, but the swelling has not gone down. I told them to come back on Friday, and Simon will set up an appointment to take them back to Port to see what can be done. You can see in the photo how swollen his leg is – it pains me to see him walk on it. Please pray that the Lord will give us wisdom about what to do, and this little boy will be healed.
After dinner this evening Chuck 2, Ken, Simon and I went to look at some land where the Lord may want us to build a clinic. (For those who have been here, it is behind Jerusalem IV.) It is a large piece of land for sale for $15,000. The price is right, but they have not hit water in this area the last couple of times people have drilled. We had a dry hole in Jerusalem IV, just two months ago; so we are praying to see what the Lord will have us do. Please pray for this much-needed clinic, and that the Lord will give us wisdom about where He wants to put it.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support – we cannot be here without them. God Bless.
Boy who had surgery on his arm
Boy needing surgery
Little boy needing surgery
Boys playing soccer outside mission house
Building trusses
What's this for?
Pat pulling out straight 2x4's (good luck)
Side vents for circulation
Building trusses
Raising the wall
Building a walkway for putting up trusses
The old-fashioned way
Man-made scaffolding
Working on bridgeplate
What was I doing?
Karl working on boardwalk
Possible land for clinic
Possible land for clinic
Houses on possible land for clinic
Ken measuring land
Chuck 2 and Simon measuring land
Mountains surrounding land
Mountains surrounding land
Mountains surrounding land