We got up about 4:45 this morning to grab a quick breakfast before making the trip down the mountain. Gabriel took most of the team, and the rest rode in the Ford with me. It was dark when we left, so we got to see a beautiful sunrise in Haiti. Praise the Lord, we made it safely to the airport, and the team is on their way home.
This awesome team worked together as the body of Christ is supposed to. We were busy every day, as you could tell from the reports. Not only did we have the Pastors Conference, which 64 men attended, but also we had VBS that gave joy and laughter to 357 children. Then there was the Ladies Conference that lasted for 2 days, with an average of 40 women each day. There wasn’t much time for rest with this team.
I want to thank First Baptist Church of Walterboro SC for sending their team, and the team members from Wright Baptist Church of Fort Walton Beach and Shalimar Baptist Church of Shalimar FL. I would also like to thank everyone for their prayers while we were here. God bless you all.