The team is having a great time loving on the Haitian people. Every day they are out playing with the kids, washing clothes with the Haitian ladies, helping the Haitian ladies cook for the pastors. There is a lady here named Anna (one of our school teachers, also the wife of Pastor Michette of Jerusalem II) who had a stroke about a month ago. Three weeks ago Dr. Karen and Betty went to her hut and showed her some exercises to help her recover. We don’t think she has been doing them as often as she should. Each day part of the team goes to see her and Michael, who has been a personal trainer for many famous athletes, has helped her with the exercises. Yesterday she walked a short distance, and she had a smile ear to ear! We are going to hire a Haitian lady to continue these exercises with her while I’m away. Please be praying for her recovery. I truly believe next month she will be walking.
On another note, as you know we always have needs and unexpected expenses here. Our old refrigerator finally stopped working, so we had to buy a new one. The new refrigerator (see photos) is larger and actually keeps things colder. I know we take things like this for granted in the States, but to have cold food in Haiti is a luxury. The cost of the new refrigerator was $480. If anyone would like to help us with this expense, it would be greatly appreciated.
Report by Pastor Jim Williams
God is really pouring out His blessings this week! Our team has truly become a family, working together for the glory of God. While the U.S. pastors have been teaching the Haitian pastors in the Pastors Conference, others have been sharing their love with the children, visiting in homes, and even doing physical therapy with one of our Haitian sisters in Christ who recently suffered a stroke. Each team member is using the spiritual gifts that God, in His grace, has given to us. And it’s no surprise that as we seek to be a blessing through our ministries, God has blessed us abundantly in return.
Bro. Chuck brought one of his Haitian friends to the mission house to give us the opportunity to purchase some souvenirs from Haiti. It was fun to watch as we all made our choices.
Please continue to pray for us as we near the end of our time in Haiti. We know that we cannot meet all the needs – both spiritual and physical – that we see here, but we are praying that through our labors of love God will use us to fulfill His purposes for this one week that we have spent here. It’s a blessing and privilege to serve our Savior as short-term missionaries!
New refrigerator
New refrigerator (tilt head to left)
Michael hanging out
Homemade kite
Miranda playing with kids
Kristin with her sponsored child
Dawn with baby
Kids in Haiti
Grinding coffee
Lady making coffee
Haitian lady
Haitian pig
Self explanatory
So cute!
Long pick for crops
Men working
Rebecca with kids
Little girl pumping water
Group photo
Group photo with Haitian kids