God Showed Up in Lima

We had a wonderful time in both Pacasmayo and Lima. Both weeks were very different, but they were both extremely special. In Pacasmayo, the soccer tournament was really well received. Mixing it with the VBS at the same time was challenging, but we are sure a lot of seeds were planted in those kiddos hearts. One of the highlights for us was when we visited the homes of those that were going to receive the Kids Against Hunger bags of food.  Several of the families really opened their hearts and shared real prayer requests with us. That was special. We really felt like we connected with people and were able to bless them… as we were blessed in the process.

 In Lima, Pastor Elger really led us (and his church family)in getting our hearts in line with God’s Word regarding what is a real missionary. We did a lot of walking and driving around in that crazy Lima traffic, but it was beyond wonderful being a part of sharing the Gospel with so many people in so many ways. The VBS (without any technology) was so good. The kids loved it.  So did the adults that were able to participate. The services we had in Santa Rosa and the soup kitchens were very special. Praying for those that shared their needs with us was impactful. We remember specifically the two young girls that had a Satanist cursing them. We were able to lay hands on them and Pastor Elger prayed powerfully over those two precious souls. The soccer tournament in Lima was much shorter and simpler, but equally as passionate. They love their soccer in Peru!

Both weeks were great. It was a privilege and a joy to be able to serve together under the umbrella of Truth Ministries. God is good!