Each time I return from Haiti God reveals more truths to me about me and this world I live in. He reveals things like the blessings He gives us and the difference between His blessings and the world’s blessings. Even people that don’t know Christ are blessed by the world because they live by Christian principles. If a man doesn’t lie and is honest in business and stays out of debt most likely he will prosper in this world. Sometimes as Christians all we see as our blessings is what the material world gives us. God will bless us with material things but His true blessings are so much more than material things. We can have these material things today and they can be gone tomorrow. His blessings are peace, joy, reuniting families and changing lives. These things cannot be taken away. Our true blessings and rewards await us in heaven. These are the blessings man can’t buy.” We must remember that our purpose is to prepare people for the coming of our Lord as John the Baptist did. Then we will receive these blessings our Lord speaks of.”