Report from Allie

Today, I woke up to the noise of a donkey outside around 6:00am. We all had breakfast together at 7:00, then split up to do our different activities. Chuck, Eric, Kenny, Jimmy (our translator), myself, and a group of about 6 young boys from the village started walking up the mountain to go to Jerusalem II, the church that Eric, Kenny, and Jimmy would be laying the foundation for. The trip up took about 2 ½ hours one way. Chuck and I headed back to the village down the mountain. I only fell once on the way down! Chuck and I grabbed a bite to eat then headed to meet Daniel, a voodoo priest, along with Betty and Pastor Ken. We went to his house and Betty looked at his young daughter, who is having surgery on her stomach on Friday, we also prayed for her. Chuck invited Daniel to come to church on Tuesday night, and he said that he would come. We all hung out for a little while before eating dinner, then we had spaghetti and meatballs with green beans. The sunset outside the room is beautiful right now, and we will go to church around 6 tonight.

Report from Bro.Chuck
As you read, Allie and I had a pretty interesting day. She is a joy to be around. I love to see a young person that is seeking the Lord. It is so refreshing.

While we were busy doing our work, Joshua was busy starting the shade house. He paid some young Haitian boys to pick up donkey, mule, goat or whatever manure for the project. They filled ten rice bags full. He had them clear the area and lay it out so they are ready to lay block tomorrow.

Karl, Pastor Ken and Will began the Pastor’s Conference. Karl started off speaking about the passion of the believer and went on to the spiritual gifts. Pastor Ken spoke of having a vision, making commitments and affirming their calling. Then Will spoke on Evangelism. The pastors were very eager to learn and the conference went very well.

Karl preached a powerful message tonight and several people came forward to accept Jesus. We also had our second Voodoo Priest come to the service. The Holy Spirit is working here and it is evident. Please continue to pray for the Haitian people in this valley.


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March 25, 2008
March 23, 2008