Haiti April 19, 2014

Haiti April 19, 2014

We got up about 4:45 this morning to grab a quick breakfast before making the trip down the mountain. Gabriel took most of the team, and the rest rode in the Ford with me. It was dark when we left, so we got to see a beautiful sunrise in Haiti. Praise the Lord, we...
Haiti April 18, 2014

Haiti April 18, 2014

Day 7 Philip:  Today is our last day in Z’orange. It has been a great week worshiping and working with my Haitian brothers and sisters. God has been visibly working here, and I’m thankful to be a part of the work He is doing in this remote valley. With our mission now...
Haiti April 17, 2014

Haiti April 17, 2014

Day 6 Cat:  Wednesday was the second day of the ladies conference. I did not sleep well the night before because I was still having some pain in my eyes. I am not a fan of wearing glasses, so it has been frustrating wearing them all week. I began praying and asked God...
Haiti April 16, 2014

Haiti April 16, 2014

Day 5 Philip:  This morning at 6:30 some members of the team – Jeff, Cat, Lance, Samantha, Vonda and I, and our interpreter Paritan – hiked up the mountain to visit Jerusalem II church. This was a trip I have been looking forward to since we arrived due to...
Haiti April 15, 2014

Haiti April 15, 2014

Day 4 Cat:  Waking at 5 a.m. hearing people praise the Lord is a pretty amazing experience; the roosters crow along with the singing. In America, we take our worship for granted. Often, we make excuses for not going to church: “I’m so tired….We’ve...